Triple Toes
Primary was establieshed in July 2021, by Principal Mrs. B.B.
Dludlu and co-Directors Fezile Majola, the school Manager and
Samantha Dludlu Assistant Manager.
Mrs. B. Dluldu has a vas knowledge and experience in preschool
operations gained from running three pre-school sucessfully,
viz: Tip Toes, Tiny Toes, and Top Toes.
Triple Toes Primary management/director are not new in the
educational field, and running a successfull primary school will
not be of any hinderance to them.
The primary school facility opens a path for preschool learners
that are ready to advance to grade R level with out leaving this
beautiful welcoming environment. |
227 Sangiro Avenue
Elandspark, Johannesburg 2197